• Quarrel with To argue or have a disagreement with someone. Jane often quarrels with her sister over the remote control.

  • Romp in To play or run around in a lively and carefree manner. The children romped in the park, laughing and chasing each other.

  • Salt away To save or store something, typically money or resources, for future use. He decided to salt away a portion of his income every month to save for a vacation.

  • Venture forth To go somewhere or do something that is new or unfamiliar, often in search of an adventure or new experiences. The company ventured forth into a new market. Despite the stormy weather, they decided to venture forth and explore the forest.

  • Stick with To continue with something or someone, to not abandon or give up on it/them. Even though the project was challenging, he decided to stick with it until it was completed.

  • Tee off To make someone angry or annoyed. The referee's decision really teed off the players. His constant complaining is starting to tee me off.

  • Limber up for To prepare physically for an activity by doing exercises or stretches to loosen the muscles. Before the marathon, the runners spent some time limbering up for the race.

  • Measure against To judge or compare something against something else in order to evaluate its quality or performance. The company measured its profits against the previous year's results. The military measured the strength of the enemy forces against their own.

  • Peel away To separate from a group or structure and move away in a different direction. The clouds peeled away, revealing the blue sky.

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