• Rinse away To remove something by washing it with water. He used a hose to rinse away the dirt from the driveway. The heavy rain helped to rinse away the dust and grime from the streets.

  • Rinse down To wash or clean a surface by pouring water or a liquid over it. After scrubbing the patio, they rinsed it down with a hose. She rinsed down the countertops with a mixture of vinegar and water.

  • Rinse off To remove something from a surface by washing or cleaning it with water. Rinse off the canned beans before cooking to get rid of excess sodium. After playing in the sand, they rinsed off their feet at the beach shower.

  • Rinse out To clean the inside of something by using water or a liquid. She rinsed out the coffee mug before pouring a fresh cup. Rinse out your mouth with water after brushing your teeth. Rinse the bowl out before you put it in the dishwasher, okay?

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