• Meet up To gather or rendezvous with someone, especially after making prior arrangements. Let's meet up for coffee tomorrow morning and catch up.

  • Open up When a new cafe, restaurant, or bar starts operating for the first time. The new bistro opened up last week, attracting many customers with its delicious menu.

  • Try out To test or experiment with something new for the first time. She decided to try out a new recipe she found online.

  • Catch up To have a conversation and exchange updates with someone after a period of not seeing or speaking to them. We met for lunch to catch up on each other's lives and reminisce about old times.

  • Hang out To spend time leisurely with friends or acquaintances. We like to hang out at the park on weekends and play games together.

  • Wander around To walk or roam without a specific plan or destination, often exploring or enjoying the surroundings. They spent the afternoon wandering around the city, discovering hidden gems.

  • Bump into To meet someone unexpectedly or by chance. I bumped into an old friend at the grocery store yesterday.

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