• Dish out To distribute or serve something, often referring to food or tasks. Mary dished out bowls of soup to everyone at the dinner table, ensuring they all had a warm and hearty meal.

  • Muddle through To manage or deal with a situation in a haphazard or improvisational manner. Despite not being fully prepared for the presentation, Sarah decided to muddle through and make the best of it by relying on her quick thinking and improvisation skills.

  • Nerd out To passionately engage in or discuss a topic or activity that is considered nerdy or geeky. James and his friends decided to nerd out over their favorite video game, spending hours discussing strategies and sharing their excitement for the latest updates.

  • Stick around To remain or stay in a place or situation for a longer period of time. After the party ended, a few close friends decided to stick around and chat, enjoying each other's company late into the night.

  • Wash up To clean oneself, especially by washing hands, face, or body. Before sitting down for dinner, Sarah asked her children to wash up and freshen up after playing outside.

  • Lock up To securely close and fasten a door, window, or premises. Before leaving for vacation, Tom made sure to lock up his house, ensuring the safety and security of his property.

  • Yammer on To talk incessantly or in a tedious, repetitive manner. Despite everyone's lack of interest, Tom continued to yammer on about his recent fishing trip, recounting every little detail and not noticing the disinterested expressions of his listeners.

  • Mouth off To speak disrespectfully or rudely, often in a defiant or impulsive manner. Alex couldn't control his anger and began to mouth off at his teacher, which resulted in him being sent to the principal's office.

  • Max out To reach the maximum limit or capacity of something. Sarah maxed out her credit card after going on a shopping spree, realizing later that she had exceeded her budget.

  • Load up on To consume or acquire a large amount of something, often referring to food or supplies. Before embarking on their camping trip, the group decided to load up on snacks and drinks, ensuring they had plenty to enjoy during their outdoor adventure.

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