• Head home To go in the direction of one's home or to start the journey back home. It's getting late; let's head home before it gets dark.

  • Come across To find or discover something by chance, typically objects rather than people. While cleaning the attic, I came across an old box of photographs.

  • Pick up To collect or purchase something. I need to pick up some groceries on my way home from work.

  • Eat in To have a meal at home rather than going out to a restaurant. Tonight, let's eat in and cook a delicious dinner together.

  • Run out To have nothing left or be depleted of something. We ran out of milk, so I need to buy some from the grocery store.

  • Flip through To quickly turn the pages of a book or magazine without spending much time on each page. I flipped through the magazine at the doctor's office while waiting for my appointment.

  • Put on To cause a device to start operating or functioning. He put on the television to watch his favorite show.

  • Turn down To reduce the volume, intensity, or strength of sound, heat, or a device. It's too loud; please turn down the music.

  • Turn in To go to bed or retire for the night. It's getting late; I think I'll turn in and get some rest.

  • Turn off To stop the operation or flow of something using a switch, button, or other controls. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

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