• Get on To board or enter a vehicle. Make sure to get on the bus before it leaves.

  • Get off To disembark or exit a vehicle. We'll get off at the next subway station.

  • Get in To enter a vehicle (usually a car). Let's get in the car and go for a drive.

  • Get out To exit a vehicle (usually a car). Everyone needs to get out of the car now.

  • Take off To leave the ground (for planes) or start a journey. The plane will take off in ten minutes.

  • Touch down To land (for planes). The flight will touch down at the destination airport shortly.

  • Pull over To stop the vehicle at the side of the road. The driver pulled over to let the emergency vehicles pass.

  • Speed up To increase the speed of the vehicle. The driver sped up to overtake the slow-moving car.

  • Slow down To reduce the speed of the vehicle. The sign says to slow down as you approach the curve.

  • Pull up To bring the vehicle to a stop. The taxi pulled up in front of the hotel.

  • Pick up To collect or give a ride to someone or something. I'll pick you up at the airport at 7 PM.

  • Drop off To leave or deliver someone or something at a specific location. I'll drop off the package at the post office on my way to work.

  • Back up To reverse or move a vehicle backward. Be careful when you back up the car into the parking space.

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