• End in To result in a particular way or outcome. The negotiations ended in a mutually beneficial agreement. The soccer match ended in a draw, with both teams scoring an equal number of goals. After years of struggling to resolve their differences, their marriage unfortunately ended in divorce.

  • End with To have a particular thing as the last part or element. The performance ended with a spectacular fireworks display. The dinner party ended with a delightful dessert buffet that left everyone satisfied and content.

  • End up To eventually reach or find oneself in a particular situation or place. She studied hard for the exam but ended up getting a lower grade than expected. We planned to go to the beach, but it started raining, so we ended up staying home and watching movies instead. After a series of criminal activities, the suspect was eventually caught by the authorities and ended up in jail.

  • End off To finish or conclude something. She ended off her presentation with a powerful closing statement. John ended off his summer vacation by winning first place in the swimming competition and being recognized as the top athlete of the season.

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