• Dig into To start eating with enthusiasm. Let's dig into this delicious meal.

  • Flip out To react or behave in an extreme or irrational manner. She flipped out when she found out she won the lottery.

  • Gear up To prepare or get ready for something. We need to gear up for the big presentation tomorrow.

  • Scarf down To eat something quickly or voraciously. He scarfed down his burger in just a few bites.

  • Suss out To figure out or understand something. I need to suss out what's going on with this situation.

  • Amp up To increase or intensify something. Let's amp up the music and get the party started.

  • Wimp out To back out or avoid something due to fear or lack of courage. Don't wimp out now; we need you on our team.

  • Fess up To admit or confess to something. It's time to fess up and tell the truth.

  • Stick around To stay in a place or remain for a longer period of time. I'm going to stick around and see how the story ends.

  • Tag along To join someone or accompany them, usually without being invited. Can I tag along with you to the concert?

  • Zonk out To fall asleep quickly and deeply. I zonked out as soon as I hit the bed.

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