• Hang out To spend time with someone casually. Let's hang out at the mall this weekend.

  • Crash at To stay overnight at someone's place. Can I crash at your house tonight?

  • Freak out To become extremely anxious, scared, or upset. I totally freaked out when I saw the spider.

  • Pig out on To eat a lot of food quickly and without restraint. After the diet, I decided to pig out on pizza.

  • Chill out To relax or calm down. Just chill out and enjoy the movie.

  • Screw up To make a mistake or mess something up. I really screwed up the presentation today.

  • Bail on To cancel or abandon plans or commitments. He bailed on the party at the last minute.

  • Beef up To strengthen or improve something. I need to beef up my resume before applying for the job.

  • Go for To choose or select something. I think I'll go for the chicken instead of the fish.

  • Jack up To increase or raise something, usually prices or costs. They jacked up the price of the concert tickets.

  • Mess with To bother, interfere with, or play a trick on someone. Don't mess with him; he's in a bad mood.

  • Check out To look at or examine something. Let's check out that new store downtown.

  • Rip off To overcharge or cheat someone. That store totally ripped me off with their prices.

  • Bail out To leave a place quickly. I need to bail out of this party; it's boring.

  • Hit on To flirt with someone or make romantic advances. He was hitting on every girl at the club.

  • Screw around To engage in frivolous or irresponsible behavior. Stop screwing around and get to work.

  • Wig out To react or behave in an overly dramatic or irrational manner. She totally wigged out when she saw the spider.

  • Piggyback off To take advantage of someone else's work, ideas, or success for personal gain. He piggybacked off his colleague's research to publish his own paper.

  • Beef with To have a disagreement or conflict with someone. He has had a beef with his neighbor for months.

  • Screw over To deceive or betray someone for personal gain. He screwed me over by taking credit for my work.

  • Bum around To spend time idly or aimlessly. I spent the summer bumming around the beach.

  • Noodle around To think or ponder casually. I spent the afternoon just noodling around, lost in thought.

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